Мини производство бизнес идеи 2018: ТОП-35 бизнес-идей мини производства для малого бизнеса

как начать производственный бизнес с нуля в 2020 году

Предпринимательство, связанное с производством пищевой или промышленной продукции — сложное, но зато долгосрочное и перспективное дело. Бизнес в сфере производства товаров – это проверенные временем проекты и новые направления, способные приносить стабильный доход.

Идеи производства для малого бизнеса 2019 года

Ошибка многих начинающих предпринимателей в том, что они считают, будто производственный бизнес связан с крупными фабриками, арендой больших помещений для оборудования, наймом множества рабочих, расходами на рекламу. Однако тщательное изучение идей малого предпринимательства позволяет понять, что своё дело можно начать, практически не вкладывая в него денег.

Обратите внимание на идеи мини производства, которые основаны на любимых хобби:

  • Изготовление, копчение домашних колбас, мяса, птицы.
  • Хлебопекарня, выпечка лавашей.
  • Шитье одежды на заказ (школьная форма, комбинезоны, куртки для специалистов рабочих профессий, врачей, поваров и кондитеров).
  • Выпуск домашних сыров, молочных продуктов, растительного масла.
  • Промышленная консервация.

Как бизнес мини производство даёт неплохие результаты уже на первых этапах развития. Инвестируя прибыль, увеличивая объемы выпуска и ассортимент, можно постепенно подниматься от малого к среднему бизнесу.

Как открыть бизнес в сфере производства?

Организация цеха или завода по переработке сырья, выпуску промышленных товаров требует не только значительных капитальных вложений, но и подробного бизнес-плана. Подумайте о сбыте продукции, которую будете выпускать. Соберите данные об уже существующих предприятиях в вашем регионе, узнайте их рентабельность.

Закупая оборудование для производства, старайтесь пользоваться услугами одного поставщика. При оптовых поставках фрезерных или деревообрабатывающих станков, швейного или печного оборудования крупные компании делают значительные скидки. Если в аренду требуется взять большое технологическое помещение – обязательно учитывайте возможность размещения оборудования высоких мощностей, на пожарную безопасность. Заранее обсуждайте с арендодателем вопросы перепланировки и ремонта.

В плане учитывайте наем на работу людей, досконально знающих процесс, технологию изготовления продуктов. Заработная плата таких специалистов гораздо выше, но их профессионализм и квалификация способны в разы уменьшить сроки окупаемости вашего предприятия. Рассматривая бизнес идеи «мини производство», ориентируйтесь на нужды потенциального потребителя. Продукты и товары, изготовленные вами, будут востребованы покупателем только, если характеризуются отличным соотношением «цена-качество». 

Топ-10 бизнес идей мини-производства с минимальными вложениями (на дому)

— Бизнес на рекламных пилларсах: https://clc.to/pilars

Привет, друзья! С вами ту-биз.ру
Сегодня расскажем о классных бизнес идеях мини-производства на дому в гараже, которые требуют сравнительно минимальных вложений.

И так, сразу к делу:

1. Алкогольные десерты

Такие десерты изготавливаются в виде желейных шотов, которые содержат разного рода алкоголь, фрукты и ягоды. В целом получается классный продукт с вау-эффектом и высокой маржинальностью.

Алкогольные десерты это отличное предложение для разного рода банкетов и фуршетов на свадьбах, корпоративах, и прочих вечеринках.

Чтобы минимизировать риски, начать такой бизнес можно в домашних условиях, аналогично как в нише по изготовлению тортов на заказ.

Видео-рецепт по приготовлению желейных шотов:

Продавать наборы десертов можно с помощью Инстаграм, а также через договоренности с людьми причастными к организации разного рода мероприятий.

2. Производство магнитных визиток

Магнитные визитки это удобный маркетинговый инструмент для рынка рекламы.

Для их изготовления понадобится магнитная фотобумага или магнитный винил, цветной принтер.

Находим заказчика, на основе заранее подготовленных шаблонов согласовываем с ним дизайн визиток, печатаем принтером на магнитной бумаге и нарезаем готовые визитки плоттером или ручным резаком.

Видео-инструкция как своими руками быстро изготавливать визитки:

Такие визитки особо актуальны для служб такси, салонов красоты, сантехников и т.д., чьи номера телефонов удобно держать всегда «под рукой» на холодильнике.

3 Мини-сауны на балконы квартир

Все знают о положительном влиянии сауны на организм человека, но далеко не все, по разным причинам, делают посещение сауны регулярным. Наша задача, как предпринимателей, сделать эту процедуру более доступной. И сделать это можно устанавливая мини-сауны прямо в квартиры, к примеру, на балконы.

Получаем заявку от клиента, выезжаем на объект, делаем все замеры и в собственном гараже подготавливаем все необходимые материалы для дальнейшей сборки.

Можно либо самостоятельно разобраться в этом деле, либо найти человека, который дружит с инструментом, а на себя взять работу по поиску клиентов.

Клиентов можно получать расклеив объявления с картинками по подъездам, либо раскидав их по почтовым ящикам.

4 Антистресс подушки

Такие подушки шьются из пайеточной ткани, которая напоминает чешую. На одну сторону пайеток наносят изображение (к примеру, чье-то фото), а другую сторону оставляют однотонной. Теперь одним движением руки можно менять расцветку подушки. В итоге получается отличный персонализированный подарок с антистресс-эффектом. Клиентов находим в соцсетях.

Бизнес легко организовать в домашних условиях. Наволочки из пайеточной ткани заказываем у швеи, далее получаем от клиента фотографию, печатаем ее на бумаге сублимационным принтером. Далее помещаем бумагу с изображением на наволочку и с помощью термопресса переносим на нее изображение. Наволочка готова! Наполняем ее и отправляем клиенту.


5. Раковины из природного камня

Такие раковины отлично вписываются в интерьеры ресторанов и загородных домов.

Находить камни под раковины можно в карьерах, на берегах рек и прочих местах.

Из инструмента для обработки камня понадобится молоток, долото, болгарки, алмазные диски и чашки.

Видео-инструкция как изготавливать своими руками раковины из камня на дому:

Аналогично можно изготавливать мойки из дерева.

6. Мини-коптильни из дерева

Суть данной идеи в изготовлении деревянных мини-коптилень для холодного и горячего копчения. Такие аккуратные коптильни станут украшением любого загородного двора и позволят людям изготавливать свежую копченную продукцию для себя и на продажу.

Находить клиентов можно в онлайне, а также с помощью распространения листовок и баннерной рекламы в частных секторах.

Коптильни оснащаются электронными таймерами, тэнами, вентиляторами и дымогенераторами под щепу.

Такое мини-производство можно наладить в собственном гараже.

Пошаговая видео-инструкция по сборке мини-коптильни своими руками:

7. Выращивание микрозелени

Микрозелень (microgreen) – это проростки, трав, злаков, бобовых и овощей (около 40 видов: горох, салаты, подсолнечник, редис, капуста, пшеница и другие). Полезных веществ в них больше, чем во взрослом плоде.

Основные клиенты такой продукции рестораны, которые все активнее использую микрозелень в декорировании блюд и люди, которые стремятся к здоровому питанию.

Для выращивания зелени уходит до 10 дней. Организовать мини-ферму можно даже в кладовке квартиры. Понадобится лишь освещение и вода. Финансовые вложения для

Производство | Новые бизнес-идеи и тренды 2020 года

Бизнес-идеи по производству практически всегда дают гарантию высокой доходности выбранного проекта. Но большие первоначальные затраты для старта часто останавливают начинающих предпринимателей, несмотря на небольшую конкуренцию в среднем и малом бизнесе. Вариант мелкого домашнего производства, который можно организовать на дому или в гараже, может стать прибыльным и перспективным для мужчин.
В данной рубрике представлены актуальные идеи мини-производства, основные тезисы для новичков, бизнес-планы с примерными расчетами, которые можно открыть с минимальными вложениями.

  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 5000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 13 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 65000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 850 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 10 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 8500 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 1700 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 6 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 10500 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 400 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 8 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 3000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 3500 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 8 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 27000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 1300 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 18 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 35000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 7000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 14 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 90000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 9800 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 3 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 27000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 8300 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 6 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 50000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 1300 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 12 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 15800 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 1100 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 5 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 4700 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 950 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 2 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 1700 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 2000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 2 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 3300 $
  • comment_images_reloaded_toggle: enable
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 14000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 5 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 65500 $
  • comment_images_reloaded_toggle: enable
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 3500 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 4 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 12000 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 15500 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 11 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 166500 $
  • comment_images_reloaded_toggle: enable
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 6300 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 6 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 33300 $
  • comment_images_reloaded_toggle: enable
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 2500 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 4 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 10000$
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 5000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 12 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 58500 $
  • comment_images_reloaded_toggle: enable
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 8000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 3 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 18500 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 5000 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 3 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 16500 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 4170 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 3 месяца
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 9500 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 8300 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 8 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 66500 $
  • Ежемесячная прибыль (от): 3800 $
  • Срок окупаемости (от): 6 месяцев
  • Стартовый капитал (от): 25000 $
  • comment_images_reloaded_toggle: enable

как открыть дело с нуля и без затрат в 2020 году

Начинающие предприниматели имеют различные условия для реализации своих проектов. Некоторые владеют хорошим стартовым капиталом, у других бюджет очень ограничен. Кто-то проживает в крупном мегаполисе, а кто-то в небольшом городке или в посёлке. С учётом этих и других особенностей мы распределили все малозатратные проекты по подразделам:

  • Бизнес в гараже. Проекты из этого раздела позволяют организовать рентабельное производство на имеющихся небольших площадях. В таких условиях можно обустроить кузнечную мастерскую, небольшой цех по выпуску стройматериалов (шлакоблок, облицовочная плитка) или узкоспециализированную станцию техобслуживания (ремонт бамперов, художественная окраска).
  • Идеи бизнеса для небольших городов. Представленные проекты не требуют многомиллионных вложений и быстро окупаются. Например, с минимальными затратами можно запустить производство пончиков для их дальнейшей реализации в точках уличного фаст-фуда или в магазинах. 
  • Бизнес идеи с нуля, без вложений для реализации в домашних условиях. Большинство таких схем заработка не требует существенных инвестиций для открытия. Обычно для запуска подобных проектов с 0 нужны небольшое помещение, минимум оборудования и наличие подходящих навыков. Например, в домашних условиях можно осуществлять ремонт бытовой техники или проводить репетиторские занятия по иностранному языку. Если имеются определённые навыки и соответствующее образование, то за столом с компьютером удастся создать конструкторское бюро для 3D проектирования.
  • Идеи бизнеса для села. Рассматриваются варианты прибыльного животноводства (гуси, кролики, свиньи) и растениеводства (картофель, зелень, цветы, клубника и т. д.). В этой отрасли можно открыть свой бизнес с минимальными вложениями.

Мы рассказываем только о работающих бизнес идеях без начального капитала и лучших проектах 2019 года, требующих минимума инвестиций.

Больше полезной информации в каждой статье

В опубликованных статьях содержится только необходимая информация о вариантах открытия и дальнейшего развития своего дела. Здесь можно прочитать о выбранном товаре или услуге, есть выгодные предложения о покупке оборудования с подробным руководством для быстрого создания готового бизнеса (производство антифриза). В наших статьях:

  • приводятся математические расчёты, которые экономически обосновывают прибыльность проекта;
  • предоставляются аналитические выкладки о ситуации на рынке, оценивается его ёмкость;
  • описываются особенности использования рекомендуемого оборудования, материалов и технологий.

Вся информация преподносится в ненавязчивой форме и легко воспринимается. При создании статей мы опирались на мнения экспертов и опытных бизнесменов, которые раскрывают секреты успешного предпринимательства и рассказывают о некоторых трудностях, возникающих в процессе реализации идеи. В комментариях после статьи изложены мнения пользователей нашего портала об опубликованных проектах.

Изучайте наши бизнес-идеи, выбирайте наиболее подходящие для себя и смело воплощайте их в жизнь!

90000 20 Best Business Ideas to Make Money in 2020 (Low Investment Ideas) 90001 90002 With so many business ideas in 2020 року, it can be hard to figure out which are worth pursuing. While jumping on a new trend can sometimes be risky — it can also be highly rewarding. You may notice that a lot of the ideas on this list have been growing in popularity recently. Others have been popular for a long time making them more competitive but less risky. However, all the small business ideas below will help make you money.90003 90002 Discover thousands of products you can start selling online. No commitment, no credit card required. 90003 90002 Get Oberlo Now. It’s Free. 90003 90008 90009 20+ Best Business Ideas of 2020 90010 90011 90002 If you have been asking yourself what business to start, then this list is for you. 90003 90002 Let’s take a look at the list of ideas that’ll make you money in 2020: 90003 90016 90017 1. Dropshipping 90018 90019 90002 Are you looking to sell products online but do not have the money to buy and store inventory? Consider dropshipping! Dropshipping is an ecommerce business model in which you do not have to manage any physical products.All you have to do is set up an online store, and partner with suppliers who’re ready to store, package, and ship orders to your customers. What’s more, you do not need to spend hours on product research because you can use dropshipping apps like Oberlo to find awesome products to sell. If you’re searching for easy online business ideas to pursue, dropshipping might be a good option for you. 90003 90002 90023 90003 90016 90017 2. Translation 90018 90019 90002 Multilingual people are always in demand, so if you can speak two or more languages, consider starting a small business where you can monetize those skills.You can start looking for clients on websites like Upwork and Flexjobs and slowly build your portfolio. As you work successfully with more and more companies, you can hire more translators who specialize in other languages ​​to expand your service offerings. It’s also a good idea to market your business on social media websites as it can help you reach a wider audience. 90003 90016 90017 3. Home-based Catering 90018 90019 90002 If you have a knack for cooking and see it as a creative outlet, you can make a decent income by opening a home-based catering business.The initial investment depends much on how big you want the setup to be. For example, if you start with smaller events that you can manage on your own, you should be able to start your business for less. Most home-based caterers start by creating a website, experimenting with local food markets, or joining platforms that allow cooking experts to squeeze some profits out of their culinary skills. 90003 90016 90017 4. Virtual Assistant 90018 90019 90002 One of the most successful business ideas is to offer virtual assistant services.Everyone from large enterprises to solopreneurs require help with the day-to-day management of their business. You can use your excellent organizational skills to take some weight off their shoulders. Of course, you’ll get paid for the time and effort you put into answering emails, scheduling meetings, and performing other administrative duties. You can land your first few clients by responding to listings on platforms like FreeUp, PeoplePerHour, or Virtual Assistant Jobs. This is a proven business model as people are always looking for efficient virtual assistants.90003 90016 90017 5. Website Flipping 90018 90019 90002 Website flipping is among the new business ideas that have got everyone from work-at-home to recent graduates excited. It involves buying an already running website, improving its design and content, and then selling it for a profit. There are quite a few places where you can buy and sell websites to earn a profit. Shopify’s marketplace Exchange, for example, allows you to buy ecommerce websites that you can further improve via content marketing, SEO, and other tactics.Once your site begins to generate more revenue than when you acquired it, you can list it for sale on the marketplace. 90003 90002 90050 90003 90016 90017 6. Personal Shopper 90018 90019 90002 Do you often get praised for your eye for fashion trends? Are you someone who friends and family come to for clothing advice? Personal shopping can be a business that builds on those skills. Personal shoppers find clothing items for clients who are struggling to find their personal style. Duties involve evaluating your client’s wardrobe, visiting websites and picking items that will suit them.There are all sorts of products on all kinds of online clothing boutiques, so you do not necessarily have to shop offline to get this business started. Plus, you do not need to hold any special certification or degree to become a personal shopper. If your interests lie in business ideas with low investment, personal shopping might be the ideal route to consider. 90003 90016 90017 7. Online Tutoring 90018 90019 90002 If you’re an expert in art, maths, or another subject, you can start the business of online tutoring.An essential prerequisite is having a bachelor’s degree in the subject you intend to teach, so make sure to cover this area before you get started. You can find online tutoring clients on sites like Skooli and Tutor.com. For the best results, always teach subjects that relate to your area of ​​expertise because you’ll be able to share your skills and constructive knowledge to enhance the learning experience. You can deliver lectures and interact with your students over Skype, making online tutoring one of the easiest online businesses to start.90003 90016 90017 8. Greeting Cards 90018 90019 90002 Greeting cards are always in style, so if you have a good eye for design or just love showcasing your artwork on physical items, this is one of the best creative business ideas for you. Before you can start looking for clients, you’ll need to have a handful of designs ready to go. Tools like Photoshop and Canva make it easy to create custom card designs. Additionally, you’ll need to stock up on supplies required to create greeting cards (ink, paper, etc.). Here’s a pro tip: if you want to keep costs low, buy your supplies from a wholesaler. Once you have the inventory sorted, start generating revenue by marketing your business on Facebook, Etsy, and other similar platforms. 90003 90016 90017 9. Content Writing 90018 90019 90002 Almost every company with an internet presence needs help with creating content for product pages, blogs, etc. As such, starting a content writing or copywriting company could be one of the most profitable business ideas for you.Popular websites for finding those first few customers include Remote.co, Problogger Jobs, and BloggingPro. You can also join content writing groups on Facebook to promote your business to a wider audience. There are lots of ways you can make a good impression on clients, such as by offering keyword optimization or custom graphics as part of your services. 90003 90002 90077 90003 90016 90017 10. WordPress Support 90018 90019 90002 A lot of websites out there are hosted on WordPress, and almost every WordPress website owner requires support in form.So, if you’re familiar with the ins and outs of this platform, you’ll have several opportunities to make money. Clients may contact you to fix their CSS, find and address security holes, and more. While you can use platforms like PeoplePerHour and Upwork to get your first clients, we recommend that you create a custom website and list your services there. That way, you’ll be able to avoid high commissions and build high-quality relationships with your clients. 90003 90016 90017 11. Career Coaching 90018 90019 90002 With rising unemployment and a saturated job market, there’s no shortage of people needing help with finding jobs.If you have a talent for helping your friends and family find suitable employment, you can probably help others too. Consider starting a career coaching business where you help others figure out what is the best career for them, how to nail an interview, what traits define a good candidate, and more. You can look for clients in Facebook groups or on platforms like Coach.me. The best thing about this business is that you can make money by conducting 4-5 hourly sessions a month. Plus, you can coach multiple clients in a single session.If you’re looking for side business ideas that will not occupy too much of your time, career coaching may be the right option for you. 90003 90016 90017 12. Email Marketing 90018 90019 90002 Are you good at writing emails? Have you cracked the code for crafting subject lines that people can not help but click? If so, you can step into entrepreneurship and make money by launching an email marketing business. You can find companies that need help with their email strategy on platforms like PeoplePerHour and Upwork, as well as via cold outreach.Once you demonstrate that skill of enticing recipients, clients will rush to get your services and even agree to the price you quote them (major brownie points if you can help grow their email list). Startup costs include investing in email marketing tools, which will automate many of your tasks. 90003 90016 90017 13. Meals-to-go 90018 90019 90002 Seriously, there’s no end to the line of people who struggle to find time to cook nutritious and healthy meals. This has led to a rise in meals-to-go-businesses offering all kinds of cuisine options.You can capitalize on this trend by starting your own meals-to-go business right in your city, state, or neighborhood. Contrary to the popular belief, you do not actually need to invest in designing a large commercial kitchen. A meals-to-go business can also be managed from a shared rental kitchen. These places are usually equipped with all the essential supplies and can be rented by the month, day or hour. You can find shared-use, licensed commissary kitchens through websites like The Kitchen Door.90003 90002 90104 90003 90016 90017 14. Website Testing 90018 90019 90002 Did you know that brands with a digital footprint hire real people to give feedback on their websites? The opinions allow them to address issues that their developers may have failed to identify. You can hire a bunch of people on a freelance basis and create your own website testing company. During projects, your employees will receive a set of questions that they need to answer as they navigate a company’s website.Through video, they’ll community their initial thoughts on the current user experience and how the site could be improved. You can find work through websites like UserTesting, Ferpection, and TryMyUI. 90003 90016 90017 15. SEO 90018 90019 90002 Do you have experience in generating backlinks and improving the search engine visibility of a website? If yes, then there’s an opportunity for you to cash in on your skillset. Site owners worldwide require the services of SEO experts, so opening a business in this field could turn out to be one of your best decisions.When looking for clients, focus on a nice audience, learn from the experiences and build your portfolio — showcase your success stories and you are bound to see an influx of clients if your SEO techniques are on point. You can choose to target all sorts of companies or appeal to businesses in a particular niche, such as in the legal, health or financial sector. 90003 90016 90017 16. App Development 90018 90019 90002 App development is one of the best small profitable business ideas because so many companies require an app.Not to mention, the cost of starting this venture has drastically gone down due to the growth of tools and affordable developers. Today, you can use software like OmniGraffle, Sketch, and CoreAnimator to create the wireframes and mockups before you decide to publish the app. Alternatively, you can hire a freelance app developer via sites like AngelList and Upwork. There’s also the opportunity to earn passive income by creating apps for consumers. Of course, that depends on coming up with a monetization strategy that generates recurring revenue.Good strategies include offering in-app purchases and charging for a premium version of your app. 90003 90016 90017 17. Stock Photographer 90018 90019 90002 If you have the ability to capture great candid moments or recently did a portrait shoot of a relative, you can become a stock photographer by registering a sole proprietorship under your name. Companies like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock and the like are always on the search for enticing images. You can get started by listing a few of your existing photos on these platforms.Once you’ve submitted your photographs, wait for people to download them. Most stock photography websites pay you a royalty for every download on their platform. Another option is to launch your own photography website and sell images directly to people, which is only viable if you have the resources to invest in marketing. 90003 90002 90131 90003 90016 90017 18. Virtual Dance Studio 90018 90019 90002 The upsides to a virtual dance studio are pretty obvious: you do not need to rent a big space and it’s convenient to record, publish, and share the choreography at your own discretion.Plus, there’s no limit to the number of students you can enroll in your class. To start a virtual dance studio, you’ll need to invest in a video conferencing software such as Zoom. You’ll also need high-speed internet to ensure there are no lags or buffering during the live stream. Make sure to arrange enough classes per month so that your students learn their routines fast. If you have a passion for creating your own unique choreography, you may also find opportunities to partner with dance schools to give their students access to your content on a membership basis.90003 90016 90017 19. Print-on-Demand 90018 90019 90002 If you’re looking for successful business ideas to execute, try print-on-demand. This is when you sell your own custom designs on items like phone cases, mugs, and t-shirts, but do not actually print the artwork. Instead, you collaborate with suppliers who print your design on the product — they’ll even package and ship the product to your customers, so you do not have to worry about logistics. Also, you only pay once you have sold the products.One of the quickest ways to get started is to create a Shopify store and install a POD app like Printify. In terms of marketing, partnering with influencers to promote your POD items is an effective way to reach out to the audience. 90003 90016 90017 20. Instagram Consulting 90018 90019 90002 If you know the secrets to driving engagement on Instagram, consider becoming an Instagram consultant. Clients will pay you for creating engaging captions, responding to comments, creating attractive bios, and more.You can monetize these services by charging a specific rate per hour or by the project. This is the perfect business idea for digital nomads as the whole thing can be managed from a smartphone. To become a sought-after Instagram consultant, master the skill of creating killer Instagram ads that get people to convert and buy from businesses. You can get your first clients by marketing your business on Upwork and other social media platforms. 90003 90016 90017 21. Video Production 90018 90019 90002 With increased consumption of online video content, there’s certainly a need for people who can record, edit, cut, and publish videos.Starting a video production company, therefore, might turn out to be a lucrative business idea for you. The initial investment in this business is a basic lighting set, wireless microphones, one to two cameras (and lenses), and editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro. See if you can find second-hand varieties for some of this equipment in order to reduce startup costs. You can offer to produce video content for companies ‘YouTube channels, manage graduation and wedding videography, and more.While there’s no restriction to the types of projects you can do, specializing in a niche makes it easy to stand out in a busy marketplace. 90003 90002 90158 90003 90016 90017 22. Software Education 90018 90019 90002 Do you have acquaintances who lack proficiency in computer software? If so, you can set up your own software education business and enroll students on a monthly basis. Pupils might include entrepreneurs looking to build on their IT skills, or other small business owners looking to master software like Excel and PowerPoint.If you have the expertise, you can lead from the front by teaching most of the classes. As your business grows and more people sign up to your programs, you can hire freelance software experts to teach students based on their area of ​​expertise. Although you can rent out space for classroom lectures, consider hosting virtual classes to keep costs low and expand your business to international markets. 90003 90008 90017 Conclusion 90018 90011 90002 There you have it, a list of 20+ small business ideas that’ll make you money in 2020.To give yourself the best chance of success, focus on one idea at a time until you find one that aligns with your abilities. Thousands of entrepreneurs have implemented these business ideas to make money, so you can be sure that you’re putting your time and effort into something viable and proven. Whether you’re a college student, a work-at-home parent, or anyone else looking to start a business, remember that there are plenty of opportunities to earn a sizable income. 90003 90002 90017 Which of these business ideas are you looking to start in 2020? Share your answer in the comments below! 90018 90003 90002 Discover thousands of products you can start selling online.No commitment, no credit card required. 90003 90002 Get Oberlo Now. It’s Free. 90003 90008 Want to Learn More? 90011 90182 90002 Nicole Martins Ferreira 90003 90002 Nicole Martins Ferreira is a content marketer at Oberlo and experienced ecommerce entrepreneur. She’s been building online stores since 2013 and sharing her secrets with Oberlo users since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @nicolemarfer. 90003 .90000 18 New Small Business Ideas in China 2020 90001 90002 Thinking about new small business ideas in China which are not only profitable but also sustainable in future? Here are 18 best small business ideas and business opportunities in China which you can consider while starting a business. 90003 90002 The founder and chairman of Alibaba, says that the Republic of China is considered to be the next greatest frontier especially for small businesses. 90003 90002 According to one of the articles at Forbes, the growth of China has enriched lots of entrepreneurs throughout the globe.It’s been happening since the time when China launched the economic reforms. It was around three decades ago. After that, the country emerged with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. 90003 90002 If you are living in China and planning to start a business, here are some of the best small business ideas in China in 2020. 90003 90010 90011 18 Profitable Small Business Ideas in China 2020 90012 90013 90014 Buddha Tooth Relic Temple | image credit — pixabay 90015 90011 1. Teaching English Language 90012 90018 90002 Since English is not the official language of China, therefore most of the Chinese are not fluent in English language.However, a great number of people coming to China from different countries for doing trade and other purposes mostly speak English. 90003 90002 Moreover, Chinese now see the importance of English and they are appreciating the locals to learn the language. So, if you are fluent in English as well as Chinese, it is a great business opportunity for you to start the English Learning Centre and offer classes in China. You can also provide home tutoring services with some additional fee. 90003 90015 90011 2.The export — Import of Timber 90012 90018 90002 Throughout the globe, Timber is an important element in construction and furniture making. You can check out the demand of timber in different countries by looking at the facts and figures. 90003 90002 After doing this, you can start up your business by connecting the local market of timber to the foreign producers of timber with the buyers in various markets. It is one of the most lucrative small scale business ideas in China for 2020. 90003 90015 90011 3.The production and import / export of Tobacco products 90012 90018 90002 The Tobacco products can let you earn a lot of money. However, before starting this kind of business, you need to do some market research about the subject. It is better to know your market in advance. The business of Tobacco products is financial rewarding to a great extent. 90003 90002 However, in order to become successful, you need to have a deep knowledge of the health regulations, policies of the government and other such important details.90003 90015 90011 4. Direct Marketing 90012 90018 90002 Direct marketing is an informal business. It only requires you to have good communication skills and links with people and companies. It is one of the best businesses in China in 2020. The reason is that it is easy, simple and reliable. 90003 90002 However, you have to make efforts in order to become successful. Determination is very important in this type of business. 90003 90015 90011 5. Health Products Supply 90012 90018 90002 The last few decades have been the times of the growth of consciousness of health, fitness and wellness throughout the world.As a result, a huge market of health and wellness has now taken up a way and it is still increasing. 90003 90002 China is also very famous for the varieties of herbal teas and other healthy soups. Investing in this field can help you develop a lucrative business in the country. 90003 90002 The products that you can sell include tea, spa and hair products, fragrances, ginger drink, oil, beauty products, etc. You can start the business on a small scale and then expand it further gradually. 90003 90015 90011 6.Providing supplementary education 90012 90018 90002 It is an amazing small business idea in China in 2020. Education is one of the most important things in China these days. It is very clear from the success and the rate of development of the country that they study thoroughly and seriously. 90003 90002 The adults are also very conscious for the education of their kids. Therefore, it is a great idea to open an after-school tutoring center if your own. In this way, you can provide the students the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge in addition to their regular school timings.90003 90002 Most of the people want to send their kids to such tutoring centers so that they can prepare well for the exams. Therefore, it is a great in-demand small business opportunity in China. 90003 90015 90011 7. Starting an internet business 90012 90018 90002 In China, people confront internet issues and everyone does not have an internet connection. However, everybody needs to have an access to the internet. 90003 90002 That is the reason there is enough potential in the idea of ​​starting an internet business.It is a clever choice and can be a successful way of earning money. 90003 90015 90011 8. Start Online Shop 90012 90018 90002 China is such a country that has developed a lot in a short time. The technology has also advanced greatly in the country. It enables an environment for the stores on the internet for shopping to thrive. 90003 90002 If you are a citizen of China and you have a fine access to the internet, then you can easily start the business of an online store. 90003 90002 The best part is that there is no need of having all the products that you display on your website.Rather, you can get the orders and then manage to purchase / manufacture the products according to the requirements of your customers. It is a lucrative small business in China entrepreneurship. 90003 90015 90011 9. Tourism 90012 90018 90002 The concept of the tourism business is a bit different in case of China. Currently there are lots of tourists from China who travel in various countries of the world. 90003 90002 Being in China, you can make become a tourism agent if you have links in different countries.Even if you do not have links, you can make contracts with the hotels, airways, car rentals, tour guides, etc. to provide a complete package to the Chinese tourists in other countries. It can be a great business opportunity in China if you seriously consider it. 90003 90015 90011 10. Pharmaceutical Products 90012 90018 90002 Another amazing small business idea in China in 2020 is to start a pharmaceutical business. It is true that for running such type of business, you need to have the required scientific knowledge.90003 90002 However, it is not a very big deal if you do not have enough knowledge. You can do your own research on the internet. You can also hire professionals who a great knowledge about the field. The pharmaceutical industry is financially buoyant to a great extent. 90003 90002 The importance of pharmaceutical products can not be negated, not only in China but in lots of other countries as well. According to Forbes China, there is a Pharmaceutical company in China that is ranked to be among the ten top class small businesses in the country.90003 90002 Some other new small businesses to start in China in 2020 that have a lot of potential are as follows: 90003 90002 90011 11. 90012 IT services and business ideas in China 90003 90002 90011 12. 90012 Business of Mobile Phones and Accessories 90003 90002 90011 13. 90012 Production of shoes and bags 90003 90002 90011 14. 90012 Production of jewelry 90003 90002 90011 15. 90012 Networking services 90003 90002 90011 16. 90012 Import / export of crude oil 90003 90002 90011 17.90012 Becoming a virtual assistant 90003 90002 90011 18. 90012 Business of used cars Selling 90003 90002 90011 More Read: 90012 90003 .90000 Top 10 Business Ideas You Can Start With ₦ 100,000 90001 90002 Last week, I had a conversation with a friend on the possibility of starting a business. His response shocked me; I have got many ideas for a business but the bane has been start-up capital. I thought for a while and said many Nigerians have good business ideas but have been restricted by capital. 90003 90002 Here is a list of business ideas you can start with at least 100,000 naira in Nigeria. Regardless of your status, you can try these businesses with the required skills.90003 Photo Source: https://www.thebalance.com 90006 90007 1. Baking & Selling Snacks 90008 90009 90002 Baking and sales of snacks is a profitable business with little start up required. You only need to strategize by searching for a good location where you can explore. Your baking and 90007 selling of snacks 90008 will not be restricted to doughnuts, eggroll and meatpie. You can explore preparing and selling cakes, shawarmas, and popcorns with enough packaging to attract attention of passer-by.90003 90002 You can also take advantage of doing what others are not doing. Create a niche and build a brand for your business, selling the tastiest snacks in the neatest and most attractive ways. 90003 90002 90007 90018 Read more … 90019 90018 Cost of Starting a bakery in Nigeria 90019 90008 90003 90006 90007 2. Mobile Phone Accessory Sales: 90008 90009 90002 Mobile phone accessories sale is another business you can with 100,000 naira and has a large revenue potential if you create a niche for yourself.InfoguideNigeria spoke with Banji, a mobile phone accessories salesperson who attested to the fact that the business is a 90007 lucrative business 90008 with little capital needed. 90003 90002 You would agree that despite the large number of phone sales in the mobile market, the volume of phone accessories sales far exceed the volume of mobile phones sold daily. 90003 90002 Many Nigerians take joy in changing their phone pouches, buying power banks, headset, ear piece, phone chargers, and more on a regular basis.A small stand is all you need and guaranty of quality products. 90003 90002 90018 90007 Read More … 90008 90019 90007 90018 How to Make Serious Money Doing Phone Charging Business in Nigeria 90019 90008 90003 90006 90007 3. Soap Production 90008 90009 90002 If you have desire for fast moving consumer goods, liquid, bar soap production is not a bad idea. This business requires about 100,000 naira to start. 90003 90002 From records, Nigerians venturing into this business increase every year which presents you a perfect opportunity to gain form the market share.There are a lot of investors in this relatively cheap business so give it a go and make huge profit from it. 90007 Get your customers 90008 from far and near with quality brand and packaging. 90003 90002 90007 Read More … 90008 90007 13 Steps to Produce Liquid Soup in Nigeria for Sale and Domestic Use 90008 90003 90006 90007 4. Boiler poultry farming 90008 90009 90002 This is one of the easiest businesses to start with little money. The business requires expertise on how to nurture these chicks to keep them safe from been infected.90003 90002 The best way to excel in this business is to consult an expert in 90007 poultry business 90008 who will give an expert advice on the mode of operation. 90003 90002 The major thing you needed in this business is availability of space and water supply. An important caveat about this business is the fact that its seasonal although it is not totally seasonal. 90003 90002 90007 Read More … 90008 90007 How To Start Broiler Farming Business in Nigeria 90008 90003 90080 90007 5.Restaurant business 90008 90083 90002 Amass great wealth with a nice restaurant business in Nigeria. Considering the fact most single ladies and men prefer eating at well decent restaurant where delicious food is being served. 90003 90002 You only need two things- nice meals and neat environment. 90007 This business flourishes 90008 well in urban areas like Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, among other states where residents are often busy and find it hard to cook. 90003 90002 90007 Read More … 90008 90007 How to Start Up a Restaurant Business in Nigeria 90008 90003 90006 90007 6.Roadside Bar: 90008 90009 90002 Another business you can venture into with 100,000 Naira is roadside bars also called beer parlours. From observation, Nigerians visit these joints every evening to chill out with friends, relax and catch fun. 90003 90002 The business is not restricted to just drinks alone or selling the most demanded beer. You can start with 90007 beer sales alongside delicacies like pepper soups 90008, among others. 90003 90002 All you need do is to get a strategic location with high demand of this service.The setup of your joint matters. You can take advantage of the massive love for football in Nigeria by adding a mini 90007 football viewing centre 90008 to your business. 90003 90002 Trust me, while they patronise drinks, they also enjoy football viewing. Fried snail, suya, chicken barbecue and fish pepper soup can also be added. On top of that, excellent customer service is needed for the success of this business. 90003 90002 90007 Read More … 90008 90007 Cost of Starting a Restaurant in Nigeria 90008 90003 90006 90007 7.Smoothie and Juice Bar: 90008 90009 90002 You can also take advantage of many people seeking out healthier options. If you have passion for 90007 healthier foods 90008, serving people, then Smoothie and juice bar production is just the best for you. With about 50,000 naira or more, you can start the smoothie and juice bar production business. 90003 90002 Family and friends can help 90007 advertise your business 90008 to potential customers. You can make smoothie for events like wedding, naming ceremonies, seminars, among other programmes.You can extend your reach to university campuses across Nigeria and make huge cash from the business. 90003 90002 90007 Read more … 90008 90007 How to Start Fruit Juice Business in Nigeria 90008 90003 90006 90007 8. Web and Graphics design 90008 90009 90002 This is another business you will spend just little on learning the nitty-gritty of web design and graphics. The duration of learning depends on you but afterwards, you can launch out to making a 90007 dream company 90008 where you design websites for clients earning massively.90003 90002 A senior colleague earns over 100,000 from designing a website for clients with a nice business proposal. 90003 90002 If you have a flair for 90007 learning new things 90008 and developing yourself, to learn new things and largely tech savvy then you can officially launch into the business. 90003 90002 90018 90007 Read More … 90008 90019 90007 90018 50 Ways to Make Money Online in Nigeria with Live Examples 90019 90008 90003 90006 90007 9. Fashion Designing / Tailoring 90008 90009 90002 The fashion trend in Nigeria is making serious wave and this is another business with little or no capital to start once you have acquired enough skill to sow, design and craft various clothing materials.90003 90002 You only need to acquire your sowing machine, 90007 get customners 90008 to patronize you and off you go. Quality service and nice designs will surely make you expanding spending less on things needed to make people look good and charge them at your own discretion to enrich you purse. 90003 90002 The more you design people’s clothes, the more money you make and be sure in no time, you will have more apprentice under you who will pay to also learn from you. 90003 90002 90018 90007 Read More … 90008 90007 7 Tips to Become a Pro Fashion Designer and Stay on Top of your profession 90008 90019 90003 90006 90007 10.Day care services 90008 90009 90002 Another business you can venture into with 100,000 Naira is Day care services. You only need a place up for rent or lease that will accommodate children and the best services available. 90003 90002 90007 Building of trust from parents 90008 who leave their kids and adequate care is all you need to run this business. The ratings and satisfaction you get from them will enable more expansion. 90003 90002 Your love for kids will actually be a driving force especially for females who care to impact lives of children from childhood.90003 90002 90018 90007 Read More … 90008 90019 90007 90018 How to Start a Day Care Center in Nigeria 90019 90008 90003 90002 From the above, it is crystal clear that no matter how little your start-up capital is, these business ideas are available for you to explore. However, the extent to which the business prospers depends largely on you. 90003 Click here to see the latest 90007 work from home jobs 90008 90206 Click here to see the latest 90007 Jobs opportunities in Nigeria 90008.90206 Click here to Join 90007 Recharge and Get Paid 90008 90206 90007 Click here to Read Latest School News in Nigeria 90008 90206 90006 90007 Copyright Warning! 90008 90009 90018 We work really hard and put a lot of effort and resources into our content, providing our readers with plagiarism-free articles, original and high-quality texts. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, reproduced, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement.90019 90018 Proper acknowledgement include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, brochure, or academic purposes, (b) «FAIR USE» in the case of re-publication on online media. 90018 About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? 90019 90018 In an effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website to Google without prior notice and your website be removed from search engines and you may receive a strike.90019 90018 All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). 90019 90019.

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