Как получить поддержку малого бизнеса: Субсидии для малого бизнеса

Как малому и среднему бизнесу получить помощь от государства? | Компании | Деньги
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Федеральный АиФ


Федеральный АиФ
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«Сбербанк» — Меры господдержки малого бизнеса

Федеральные меры

1. Приостановлены налоговые проверки

До 31 мая 2020 года приостановлены выездные налоговые проверки, проверки полноты исчисления и уплаты налогов.

2. Перенесены сроки сдачи отчётности

Отчётность по НДС и страховым взносам за I квартал 2020 года можно сдать до 15 мая. Срок сдачи финансовой информации (CRS-отчётности) за 2019 и другие отчётные годы продлён на 3 месяца.

3. Изменился срок подачи документов в налоговую

Если налоговая потребовала документы в период с 1 марта по 31 мая, можно предоставить их в течение 20 рабочих дней. В рамках камеральных проверок по НДС — в течение 10 дней.

4. Налоговые санкции применяться не будут

Санкции за непредоставление документов или сведений по требованию налоговой с 1 марта по 31 мая применяться не будут. Исключение — декларации и сведения по контролируемым сделкам и иностранным компаниям.

5. Проверки соблюдения валютного законодательства приостановлены

До 31 мая 2020 года. Исключение — нарушения, срок давности которых истекает до 1 июня 2020 года.

6. С 1 апреля снижен размер страховых взносов

Теперь страховой взнос в размере 15% выплачивается, когда годовое вознаграждение сотрудника превышает 145 560 ₽, а не 1 292 000 ₽, как раньше.

7. Кредит по ставке до 5% годовых для системообразующих предприятий

Максимальный размер выплат — до 3 млрд ₽, срок погашения — до 1 года. Сумма зависит от среднемесячной выручки предпринимателя, амортизационных отчислений и чистой прибыли. Кредит можно потратить на конкретные цели, например: оплату труда, страховых взносов, аренды помещений и оборудования, коммунальных услуг.

8. Помощь самозанятым

Самозанятым вернут сумму налога, уплаченного в 2019 году, и предоставят налоговый капитал в размере одного МРОТ.

9. Помощь ИП

Индивидуальные предприниматели получат налоговый вычет в размере одного МРОТ для уплаты страховых взносов.

Помощь малому бизнесу от государства, начинающему предпринимателю в 2019 году

В процессе развития и становления бизнеса, многие начинающие ИП испытывают сложности с деньгами, инвестициями. Наиболее простой и быстрый метод решения проблемы – помощь государства при открытии малого бизнеса.

Как получить помощь от государстваКак получить помощь от государства

Интересно то, что Российская Федерация проводит достаточно активную политику, суть которой заключается в поддержке ИП, для чего и была предложена соответствующая программа помощи малому бизнесу.

Российские власти не просто реализуют наиболее простой и доступный метод регистрации, но и предлагают крайне выгодную финансовую помощь. Одним из основных способов помощи малому бизнесу от государства в 2019 году является льготное кредитование. Имеется огромное количество программ, благодаря которым удается выделять гос помощь с минимальными процентными ставками.

Помощь начинающему предпринимателю от государства в 2019 году

Помощь при открытии малого бизнеса реализуется согласно нескольким установленным направлениям. Зачастую она представлена в виде материальной помощи в развитии на безвозвратной основе, которая выдается исключительно один раз.

Достаточно часто предприниматели получают отказы, что может быть обусловлено нарушением процедуры, отсутствием повода для преференции. Чтобы увеличить шансы на финансовую помощь, важно правильно выбрать программу.

Читайте: , несколько прибыльных направлений.

Основные виды помощи

Федеральная программа. В течение последних десяти лет правительство систематически выделяет региональные средства из бюджета, чтобы оказать помощь в развитии и открытии малого бизнеса. Такая поддержка гарантирована производственным предприятиям, организациям по народному творчеству, начинающим предпринимателям, а также фирмам, деятельность которых заключается в развитии экологического туризма.

Субсидия от биржи труда. Прежде чем открыть собственный бизнес, желательно обзавестись стартовым капиталом. Когда нет финансовых средств, не стоит сразу брать кредит в банке под высокий процент. Имеется уникальный шанс получения разовой гос помощи через центр занятости. Для этого следует обратиться в центр помощи, зарегистрироваться в роли безработного, составить грамотный бизнес-план со всеми расчетами. Выполнив ряд действий, можно смело подавать заявку и принять участие в конкурсе. Проект будет рассмотрен специальной комиссией. Если решение удовлетворительное, можно смело регистрировать ООО либо ИП, получить желаемую сумму и начинать работать. Главное и основное условие получения разовой субсидии в том, что ИП обязан предъявить отчет, касающийся использования предоставленного капитала.

Содействие малому бизнесу. Это не просто денежные средства, но и некоторые услуги бесплатного характера. Чаще всего это различные обучающие программы и семинары, консультации по правовым вопросам, обеспечение помещением и землей, маркетинговые выставки и ярмарки.

Имущественный тип поддержки. Любой новичок имеет право получить следующие варианты государственной поддержки в 2019 году: съем недвижимого имущества по заниженным ценам, использование инфраструктуры, которая была организована для реализации предпринимательства.

Грант от российского правительства. Помимо разовой денежной помощи в 2019 году, у начинающего ИП есть возможность . Чтобы реализовать задумку, необходимо грамотно составить заявление, подать в соответствующие инстанции. Претендовать на грант могут:

  • ИП, которые стараются создавать рабочие места;
  • лица с идеальной КИ, своевременной оплатой налоговых взносов;
  • граждане, занимающиеся предпринимательством в торговле, производстве не меньше года.

Прежде чем предоставить заявление, поучаствовать в конкурсе, важно собрать полный пакет документации. Понадобится соответствующее подтверждение о том, что ранее не выдавался грант, субсидия. Обязательно нужно пройти обучение на курсах, они функционируют при региональных фондах, занимающихся .

Кредит. Если гражданин получает отказ в получении государственной субсидии по каким-либо причинам, есть возможность получить кредит под 6 процентов годовых. Данная разновидность гос поддержки предназначена для предпринимателей, которые производят экспортные товары, делают нефтегазовое оборудование, развивают инновационное производство. Простыми словами, льготный кредит дают тем, кто трудится в приоритетной экономической сфере.

Мнение эксперта

Алексей Матвеев

Эксперт нашего сайта. Опытный специалист в различных сферах сельского хозяйства, а также организации бизнес процессов.

Задать вопрос

Не исключен и тот факт, что государство потребует деньги обратно, если будет установлена нецелевая трата финансовых средств.

Как получить помощь на развитие малого бизнеса

Предоставление конкретного стартового капитала вполне возможно тогда, когда соблюдены абсолютно все условия:

  • гражданин не имеет права числится в роли ИП, ведь постановка на учет возможна после получения субсидии;
  • человек, желающий получить преференции, обязан быть безработным и стоять на учете на бирже труда.

С целью получения денежных вливаний необходимо придерживаться конкретного алгоритма:

  • составить четкий, грамотный бизнес-план;
  • собрать все необходимые документы, справки;
  • написать заявление, обратиться в государственный орган;
  • дождаться ответа по вопросу получения субсидии;
  • отчитаться о расходовании денег в течение года (акты, чеки).

Если решение по заявке будет носить положительный характер, гражданин обязан обратиться в местную налоговую службу, чтобы пройти регистрацию ИП на протяжении 5 дней.

Помощь от государства начинающим предпринимателямПомощь от государства начинающим предпринимателямЧтобы получить кредит на бизнес, следует подать обращение в фондовый банк-партнер, предъявив заявление и пакет всей документации, дождаться вердикта. Если у заемщика нет возможности предоставить залоговое имущество, финансовая организация отправляет документы, заявку в указанный фонд ради поручительства. Длительность рассмотрения заявления – не более трех дней. При удовлетворительном ответе происходит официальное подписание оговора между тремя сторонами, а именно банковским учреждением, ИП и фондом. Со стороны фонда проводится тщательная проверка и анализ бизнеса, что поведает о его стабильности.

Следует заметить, что выдача льготного займа осуществляется даже региональным и муниципальным фондом. Если предприниматель начинающий, то займ предоставляется на короткий промежуток времени. Когда дела идут в гору, ИП может ждать более крупную финансовую помощь в 2019 году. Достаточно приемлемым методом кредитования на льготных условиях является компенсационный займ. Государство предоставляет небольшую ссуду, она нужна с целью быстрого погашения основного кредита.

Сайт Бизнесвселе.ру подготовил для вас несколько интересных бизнес идей:

Подводя итоги, необходимо отметить, что благосостояние государственной экономики напрямую зависит от успеха мелких предпринимателей, их реализации. В данной нише задействовано огромное количество людей, они регулярно получают зарплату и отчисляют налоги, занимаются активной стимуляцией малого бизнеса. Многие представители бизнеса сомневаются в работоспособности подобных программ помощи, что вполне логично. Нужно заметить, что для получения гранта, важно не только желание прибыли, но и возможность сделать бизнес социально значимым.

Загрузка ...Загрузка ... Загрузка …
Есть ли помощь малому бизнесу от государства в 2020 году

Автор: Гольцова Полина 15 июня 2020

Какие меры поддержки государства есть для организаций и ИП

Свободный и честный бизнес — это основа государственной экономики: бизнес организует денежные потоки, производит блага, дает рабочие места — роль его сложно переоценить. Все государства, и Россия в том числе, стараются разрабатывать системы стимулирования бизнеса и поддержки предпринимателей.

Выделяются следующие виды мер поддержки:

  • финансовые — выплата различных денежных сумм на развитие бизнеса или, наоборот, предоставление льгот по обязательным платежам, например, по налогам;
  • имущественные — предоставление льготных возможностей получения недвижимости или земли, например, в аренду;
  • информационные и образовательные — по всей стране создаются центры поддержки предпринимательства, которые консультируют по вопросам ведения бизнеса, обучают или позволяют обменяться опытом с другими предпринимателями, работающими в том же субъекте.

Особенное значение система поддержки предпринимательства приобрела в условиях пандемии коронавируса и нарастающего экономического кризиса.

Поддержка предпринимателей работает одновременно на несколько целей:

  • стимулирование граждан к созданию собственных бизнесов и, соответственно, повышению экономической активности;
  • поощрению малого и среднего бизнеса как экономической основы государственной экономики;
  • направление средств и сил в наиболее приоритетные сферы — существуют отдельные программы поддержки, например, инновационных направлений бизнеса.

Чтобы, будучи предпринимателем, рассчитывать на государственную поддержку, важно понимать, какому бизнесу помогает государство — госпомощь ориентирована прежде всего на малый и средний бизнес.

Субъектами малого и среднего предпринимательства являются организации и индивидуальные предприниматели, соответствующие критериям, описанным в ст. 4 Федерального закона №209-ФЗ от 24.07.2007. В

Субсидии — Малый и средний бизнес

  • О Москве
  • Бизнесу
  • Имущество от города
  • Пресс-центр

Инвестиционный портал города Москвы

Государственная поддержка малого и среднего бизнеса в 2020 году

Сейчас действует несколько крупных мер поддержки: кредиты и отсрочка уплаты налогов.

Касается налогов, авансовых платежей и страховых взносов, которые должны быть выплачены в 2020 году. Отсрочка будет действовать, если ваши обстоятельства соответствуют хотя бы одному из перечисленных условий:

  • Доход компании снизился более чем на 10 %.
  • Доход от реализации товаров (работ, услуг) снизился более чем на 10 %.
  • Доход от реализации товаров (работ, услуг) по операциям, облагаемым НДС по ставке 0 % (общая доля более 50%), снизился более чем на 10 %.
  • Есть убыток за отчётные периоды 2020 года по данным налоговых деклараций по налогу на прибыль, при условии, что за 2019 год убытка не было.

Чтобы получить отсрочку, подайте заявление в налоговый орган по месту нахождения до 1 декабря 2020 года.

Сроки уплаты зависят от вида налога. Отсрочка на 6 месяцев распространяется на следующие налоги:

  • на ЕСХН за 2019 год;
  • авансовые платежи по налогу за исключением НДС;
  • на профессиональный доход и налоги, уплачиваемые в качестве налогового агента (на 6 месяцев — за отчётные периоды, приходящиеся на март и на I квартал 2020 года, на 4 месяца — за II квартал и апрель-июнь 2020 года).

На 3 месяца продлён срок уплаты НДФЛ индивидуальными предпринимателями за 2019 год. На 4 месяца — налога по патентной системе налогообложения, если дата уплаты приходится на II квартал 2020 года.

Есть конкретные даты для оплаты транспортного налога, земельного и на имущество организаций: 30 октября 2020 года — за I квартал 2020 года, 30 декабря 2020 года — за II квартал 2020 года.

Малому, среднему бизнесу и ИП должны вернуть средства, потраченные на налоги и страховые взносы во II квартале 2020 года.

Государство компенсирует 100 % кредита, если компания сохранит 90 % штата и более по сравнению с 1 июня 2020 года, и 50 %, если сохранит 80 % штата. Его могут получить компании, которые: а) ведут деятельность в одной из наиболее пострадавших отраслей, или этих сфер, или включены в реестр социально ориентированных некоммерческих организаций, получающих поддержку; б) работают с наёмными сотрудниками.

Кредит под 2 % можно потратить на пополнение оборота, выплату зарплат и погашение кредитов, выданных по программам субсидирования МЭР под 8,5 % и 9,95 % или под 0 % на выплату заработной платы. Также эти деньги можно инвестировать в покупку оборудования или транспорта.

Сумма кредита рассчитывается по следующей формуле:
Федеральный МРОТ (12 130 ₽) × 1,3 × число сотрудников × региональный коэффициент × процентная надбавка к заработной плате × количество полных месяцев до 30.11.2020 (включительно) по сведениям из ФНС на 1 июня 2020 года.

Самозанятым вернут налог на доход, уплаченный в 2019 году. Все самозанятые получат налоговый капитал в размере одного МРОТ.

Индивидуальные предприниматели получат налоговый вычет в размере одного МРОТ для уплаты страховых взносов.

90000 Support Small Businesses In Unique Ways (2020) 90001 90002 As we’re still in the midst of social distancing, shut-downs, and shelter-in-place or stay home orders across the country and even the world, to a varying degree , the economic impact of COVID-19 continues to fluctuate in these uncertain times. 90003 90002 According to a report released by the NFIB Research Center, 76% of small businesses say they have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and 68% of owners say they’re very concerned about its potential impact on their business.90003 90002 But we as consumers, we can make some conscious decisions that will help support our small business community and keep our economic engine going, even if there is a little sputtering along the way. 90003 90002 In this article, we’ll look at some of the biggest impacts to the global economy, including some specific to ecommerce, and ways you can use your purchasing power to help keep small and local businesses afloat. 90003 90010 COVID-19 Affecting Small and Large Businesses 90011 90002 As world leaders work to balance public health concerns with economic ones, global stock markets have responded to uncertainty with wide fluctuations.90003 90002 90015 90003 90002 Image Source 90003 90002 Economic uncertainty also led Moody’s Analytics and IHS Markit to cut their growth forecasts for the world economy. 90003 90002 To help nudge the stock market back up and stem some of the economic fallout, the U.S. has passed a $ 2 trillion stimulus bill, which will provide some financial support to those affected. 90003 90002 The allotted funds will be meted out among: 90003 90025 90026 Individuals, in the form of cash payments and expanded unemployment benefits, 90027 90026 Corporations — including airlines suffering due to travel bans, 90027 90026 Small business loans, 90027 90026 State and local governments, and 90027 90026 Public health.90027 90036 90002 According to Marketwatch, «Small businesses will get $ 350 billion in guaranteed loans that can be forgiven provided they do not lay anybody off during the weeks and months ahead.» 90003 90002 Amidst all the fluctuations, there are two things we know so far: 90003 90025 90026 The impact on each individual business varies between industries and even from business to business, and 90027 90026 Consumers are buying less — and that’s expected; in the face of uncertainty and economic disruption, consumer confidence declines, and sales follow.90027 90036 90047 1. The impact on industries varies. 90048 90002 The travel industry, of course, has been hit particularly hard, and the price of oil has fallen. The auto and apparel industries have also taken a hit. 90003 90002 However, grocery is up — people are shopping online when they can, instead of going into crowded grocery stores with unpredictable inventory. In that same vein, people buying wine and other alcohol online is increasing. 90003 90002 For example, as of Monday, March 16, alcohol delivery service Drizly reported their GMV was up 500% year over year.90003 90047 2. Customers are buying less. 90048 90002 Several major department stores relying on ecommerce now that stores have been shuttered to enforce social distancing are not seeing their typical sales online. Nordstrom, for example, noted a «deceleration in demand,» and Macy’s has furloughed «most» of its 125,000 employees. 90003 90002 Though the closing of brick-and-mortar stores has created more online shoppers, they are pulling out their credit cards and purchasing less — focusing more on necessities versus discretionary purchases.90003 90010 Why Support Small Businesses? 90011 90002 A report released in late 2018 showed that small businesses account for 44% of U.S. economic activity. Shopping at these small businesses not only puts more money into their local economies, it also keeps alive the diversity of options that makes each community unique. 90003 90047 1. Community support. 90048 90002 Local small businesses are essential to their communities economically, and they also become part of the fabric of life there.Supporting small businesses is, essentially, showing support for the community — and small business owners then can give more back to their communities as well, through fundraisers and special events. 90003 90047 2. Economic impact. 90048 90002 Local shops help create local jobs and add unique flavor to the community around them, further improving the economy by attracting more visitors and making it a desirable place to live. 90003 90047 3. Personalized customer service. 90048 90002 Shopping small is great for receiving personalized service — sometimes even from people who know your name.Many small business owners make a point of developing relationships with their customers and learn their needs and preferences. 90003 90047 4. Unique product offerings. 90048 90002 Small, local shops have a unique opportunity to fill a more narrow niche than do larger or big-box stores. If you’re looking for something unique or uncommon, small shops are the way to go. 90003 90047 5. Competition. 90048 90002 When there are a lot of small businesses, that creates deeper competition — which helps keep prices low and innovation high.90003 90010 10 Ways to Support Small Businesses 90011 90002 To help serve the essential needs of customers and ease supply chain strain, Amazon earlier this month announced it would temporarily cease supporting fulfillment for third-party sellers ‘non-essential goods like apparel and electronics. 90003 90002 Instead, it’s focusing its efforts and warehouse space on essential goods, like household staples including food and cleaning supplies, medical supplies, dog food, and diapers. This pause of FBA creates added need for other ecommerce brands to bridge the gap.90003 90002 This may decrease the convenience factor for some shoppers, but it also presents an opportunity to support a part of the economy that has already been particularly hard hit by the impacts of coronavirus — small businesses. 90003 90047 1. Purchase apparel from your favorite ecommerce site. 90048 90002 As already mentioned, apparel is a vertical that, in general, has seen a significant drop in traffic and sales. If you’re feeling the need for a little retail therapy, your purchases online — especially from small businesses — would go a long way toward supporting the economy.90003 90047 2. Sign up for a subscription service. 90048 90002 Subscription services have been on the rise for several years now, and they’re a great way to support small businesses. Subscription boxes like FabFitFun or Causebox, for example, often include products from small businesses or artisans who do not yet have broad brand awareness, and these opportunities for visibility can be priceless for them. 90003 90047 3. Buy books from online stores. 90048 90002 Amazon is still a go-to for many when it comes to buying books.After all, that’s how it started! While Amazon is focusing on essentials, fill your extra time at home with a good book from a smaller online store. 90003 90047 3. Gather your WFH supplies from an ecommerce store. 90048 90002 With so many people suddenly working from home, the need for desks, chairs, and office accessories has increased. Support a smaller retailer by finding an online shop focused on furniture or accessories to set up your office for perfect productivity. 90003 90047 4. Gift cards.90048 90002 Consumers ‘needs have certainly changed over the past several weeks, but you can still support the businesses you love — even if you do not need a new pair of pants or piece of luggage right now. Purchasing gift cards or gift certificates will show them your support and keep cash flow coming in during closures. 90003 90047 5. Get a move on. 90048 90002 With gyms shuttered, people are not just working from home — they’re working 90116 out 90117 from home as well. You can buy at-home equipment from an online business, or support a local gym that’s offering classes online to bridge the gap until they’re able to open again.90003 90047 6. Redecorate your home. 90048 90002 How many of you have discovered just how uncomfortable your couch is these past few weeks? (I, for one, am raising my hand.) There are plenty of smaller, online retailers that sell unique, high-quality furniture. And if you just want to refresh your decor, you can find that too! 90003 90047 7. Order in. 90048 90002 Many restaurants and bars, largely closed for dine-in service, have pivoted their model to include delivery. Picking a night or two (or more, no judgment) to order in will help support workers in the service industry.90003 90047 8. Entertain the kids. 90048 90002 If you’re looking for new ways to entertain your kids while they’re stuck inside, check for specialty stores for toys, games, learning tools, and more. 90003 90047 9. Treat yourself. 90048 90002 There is a lot going on right now. It’s normal to feel stressed. It’s okay to be exhausted. Do not forget that this is not a race — it’s a marathon. You need to take some time out for yourself. Purchase all your self-care treats from a small business, and help relieve some of their stress, too.90003 90047 10. Spread the word. 90048 90002 When you find an online small or local business that provides great products and service, share that with your networks on social media. Word of mouth is a great way to drive traffic to online stores, and the business owners will appreciate the extra amplification. 90003 90010 Conclusion 90011 90002 We’ve already said it, but it bears repeating. There is a lot going on right now! And so much of it is out of our hands. So many people want to help in some way, but are not quite sure how.90003 90002 Shopping small is one small way we can help. Sure, it’s not standing on the front lines — but the more we support small business owners and entrepreneurs, the more vibrant our economy will be when everything goes back to normal. 90003 90002 In this time of uncertainty, it makes sense to pull back on discretionary spending, but if you need something, choosing a small business to support does make a difference — to the community and the economy. 90003.90000 How to apply & resources to guide you 90001 90002 90003 90004 Editor’s note: 90005 90006 90004 If your business has been financially impacted by COVID-19, you may be eligible for financial relief in the form of low-interest loans. Visit our 90005 90004 small business help center 90005 90004 to learn more about the 90005 90004 coronavirus assistance programs 90005 90004 available to you. 90005 90017 90002 If your existing or newly founded small business needs working capital, but securing investors, a personal loan, or a small business grant is not an option … a loan might be your best route.90017 90002 Business financing can be a long and confusing process. 90017 90002 But rest assured, with the following roadmap, you can easily manage the process and find the loan terms-whether long-term or short-term loans-as well as the monthly payments that best suit you. 90017 90024 90002 Here are the four steps we’ll follow together … 90017 90027 90028 90029 Know the types of small business loans 90030 90029 Learn how to get a small business loan 90030 90029 See if you qualify for different loans 90030 90029 Apply for the best loan for your needs 90030 90037 90038 1.Types of small business loans 90039 90040 90029 SBA loans 90030 90029 Traditional business loans 90030 90029 Business lines of credit 90030 90029 Invoice factoring 90030 90029 Specialty loans 90030 90029 Loan alternatives 90030 90053 90054 Small Business Administration loans 90055 90002 SBA loans are funded through small business lenders but guaranteed by the US Federal government. Because the Federal government backs the loan on behalf of your business, your small business is more likely to get approval than if you went directly to lenders.SBA term loans range from $ 500 to $ 5.5 million. 90017 90002 Who can apply? 90017 90002 For-profit businesses that operate in the US or US territories, with existing equity investment, with no additional lenders providing financing, that meet certain size standards are eligible to apply for SBA loans. 90017 90002 Pros 90017 90002 SBA loans are flexible from an amount and term perspective. Both short-term and long-term options are available, and SBA loans typically have some of the lowest interest rates available.90017 90002 Cons 90017 90002 The application process is long and burdensome. Business owners may be required to disclose personal credit information and approval can take months. SBA loans are some of the most prized loans; therefore, they are often limited to those with a strong credit history, financial record, and adequate collateral to back the loan. 90017 90054 Traditional business loans 90055 90002 You apply for traditional business loans directly to the banks and financial institutions that loan funds.Loan amounts range depending on the lender requirements, lender size, and your business ‘industry, size, and history. 90017 90002 Who can apply? 90017 90002 No one-size-fits-all answer exists for this question. You can spend days researching business and small business loans and find seemingly endless options. To explore options in the traditional business loan space, conduct your search with your company size, balance sheet, history, and personal risk in mind. 90017 90002 Pros 90017 90002 Flexibility is the key benefit to traditional business loans.You can apply for loans that fund general business purposes, or loans specific to capital investment (e.g. equipment, inventory, additional employees). The sizes of loans available also vary. But keep in mind, the larger the loan your request, the more information you will need to provide. 90017 90002 Cons 90017 90002 If you do not have good business credit, a solid business history, or do not want to personally back your business loans, you may have trouble gaining approval for traditional business loans.90017 90054 Business lines of credit 90055 90002 A business line of credit is similar to a loan in that you apply for access to a specific amount of money. Once approved, you have access to the funds. Unlike a loan, a business line of credit allows you to withdraw only the amount of cash you need, and you only pay interest on that amount of money. 90017 90002 Who can apply? 90017 90002 The approval process is similar to a traditional bank loan; however, the process is more detailed and restricts your business from certain activities.For example, if you provide a certain type of collateral to secure the line of credit, the lending bank may disallow you from offering that asset as collateral for another line of credit or loan. Often, credit unions offer best-fit financing options. 90017 90002 Pros 90017 90002 Lines of credit are a great way to ensure access to cash is available in the event that your business needs it. At the same time, you do not pay interest unless you use the cash available. 90017 90002 Cons 90017 90002 In exchange for the credit line approval, you will likely restrict your ability to secure debt financing from other sources.As mentioned, the credit line agreement your business will execute to secure the credit line may prevent you from offering your business collateral to other creditors, including suppliers and financial institutions. 90017 90054 Invoice factoring 90055 90002 Invoice factoring — or, invoice financing — is a business practice where your business sells your accounts receivable to a third-party company (the factoring company). The factoring company immediately pays your business a large percentage of the invoice amount (often 80% — 90%).90017 90002 Your customer pays the invoice amount to the factoring company according to the payment terms of the invoice (30 days, 45 days, 60 days, etc.). Once your customer pays the factoring company the invoice amount, the factoring company pays your business the remainder of the invoice, less a fee to the factoring company. 90017 90002 Who can apply? 90017 90002 Factoring is generally available to any company that issues consistent invoices to customers on payment terms. If you have a sizeable customer base that pays your business consistently through invoices, your business may be an invoice factoring candidate.90017 90002 Pros 90017 90002 Your business gains immediate access to cash due on each invoice. Instead of waiting the 30, 45, or 60 days for cash due on an invoice, your business gets the majority of that receivable immediately. This immediate payment from the factoring company increases your cash flow. 90017 90002 Cons 90017 90002 You never receive 100% of your accounts receivable. Even if the factoring company is able to collect 100% on the invoiced amount, you will pay a fee to the factoring company.90017 90054 Specialty loans 90055 90002 Specific small business loan programs support certain people groups or causes. For example, the SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership and Women’s Business Centers help female business owners find loans. The USDA helps small business owners in rural areas secure loans. 90017 90002 Who can apply? 90017 90002 Specialty loans are available to business owners with certain characteristics or businesses that participate in a specific category of work.To see if you qualify for specialty loans, search for loans based on your unique criteria (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, disability) or industry (e.g. non-profit, agriculture, medical, research). 90017 90002 Pros 90017 90002 The average small business will not be eligible for a specialty loan. Specialty loans exist to bolster underserved demographics or causes. If you qualify for a specialty loan, you will face less competition in the approval process. 90017 90002 Cons 90017 90002 Specialty loans can require extra paperwork to prove your business meets the criteria, and the loan may restrict your ability to utilize funds.For example, if you receive a USDA backed loan, you may be able to buy farm equipment with equipment financing, but not buy new computer equipment. 90017 90054 Alternatives: Microloans, marketplaces, and credit cards 90055 90002 If you can not qualify for a business loan or line of credit, you may consider loan alternatives: microloans, business loan marketplaces, or credit cards. 90017 90002 Microloans are loans with significantly lower principals than standard loans. Depending on the lender or lender marketplace, microloans can range from fifty dollars to a few thousand dollars.Microloans are often funded through crowdsourcing platforms and do not always require the rigorous approval process associated with traditional loans. 90017 90002 Think of loan marketplaces (often, online lenders) as dating sites for debtors and creditors. Individuals may not be able to fund an entire business loan, but if their money is pooled with other individuals, they may be able to collectively fund a loan. 90017 90024 90002 These individuals together become a creditor in a loan marketplace.90017 90027 90002 On the other side of this transaction, a small business that can not get loan approval from standard lenders may be able to secure a loan from a loan marketplace. A pool of individual lenders is more likely to approve a risky debtor because the risk is spread across the multiple creditor lenders that come together to fund a single loan. Business loan marketplaces are growing in popularity for both individual creditors and debtors. 90017 90002 Finally, do not forget about credit cards.Strangely enough, your business might not get approval for a $ 10,000 small business loan, but it may get approved for a $ 10,000 credit card limit. Many credit card issuers have specific programs tailored to small businesses. 90017 90002 These three loan alternatives might be good options, or the only option, for businesses that can not obtain a business loan. If you have trouble landing a business loan, consider your credit card options. 90017 90002 Pros 90017 90002 All three offer your business buying power when your business is unable to secure a traditional business loan.90017 90002 Cons 90017 90002 Microloans, loan marketplaces, and credit cards all tend to carry higher interest rates than small business loans. 90017 90038 2. How to get a small business loan 90039 90028 90029 Determine how much money you need 90030 90029 Decide if a loan is the right method 90030 90029 Select the type of loan that fits best 90030 90029 Review the lenders available 90030 90029 Review each lender’s requirements 90030 90029 Collect information and apply 90030 90037 90054 How much money do you need? 90055 90002 It may seem obvious that you should determine how much money your business needs before you start looking for a loan.But, do not skip this step for three reasons. 90017 90002 First, the bigger your loan, the more you will pay towards interest. Your loan is an interest-bearing debt that will weigh on your balance sheet. You want to pay off your loan as efficiently as possible. The more you pay towards to principal, the quicker that loan will disappear from your business liabilities. 90017 90002 Second, remember that lenders make money on your interest payments. Accordingly, lenders want you paying interest for as long as possible.If you know how much money you need before you talk to the lender, the less likely you will fall victim to a lender convincing you to take out more money than you need. 90017 90002 Finally, loans affect your credit score. Too much debt negatively impacts that score. The less debt you take on, the less likely the loan will bring your credit score down. 90017 90054 Is a loan the best way for your business to access capital? 90055 90002 Before jumping into debt, consider your other options. Would it be better for your business to take on an additional owner in exchange for equity capital? 90017 90002 Instead of taking on a loan to higher additional employees, is it possible to outsource the work to a freelancer and avoid the need for the loan? 90017 90002 Loans are not necessarily bad, and they are a normal capital raising strategy for businesses of all sizes.However, many businesses burden their balance sheets with so much debt that they can not recover. Make sure a loan is the right fit for your business before committing to a debt financing strategy. 90017 90054 What type of loan is the best fit for your business? 90055 90002 As mentioned, there are plenty of loan options for your business: SBA loans, traditional small business loans, specialty loans, lines of credit, and loan alternatives. How do you determine which one is the right fit for your business? Go through a list which each loan to determine suitability for your business: 90017 90040 90029 Qualifications 90030 90029 Restrictions 90030 90029 Interest rate 90030 90029 Loan terms 90030 90029 Impact to credit 90030 90053 90002 First, take a look at the loan qualifications to see if your business qualifies.If you qualify, review any restrictions that might apply to the loan. If restrictions disallow you from applying the funds as your business needs, the loan is not a fit. 90017 90002 Next, look at the interest rate and the term to see if your business can afford the loan. Look for any early pay penalties that may apply in the event that you can pay off the loan before the end of the term. Remember, lenders make their money on interest! 90017 90002 Finally, consider the impact of the loan on your business credit score.Some debt can improve your credit rating, but too much debt will pull that number down. 90017 90054 Review the lenders available to your business 90055 90002 Once you land on a loan type for your business, find applicable lenders. Think of your business as a customer during this process. Shop around. Play one lender against another, and search for the best deal possible. 90017 90002 Because lenders make their money on interest, they may not offer you their best rate at introduction. Do not be offended by this.Push back. Let the lenders know that you are shopping their rates and terms against competitors. 90017 90002 A word of caution as you shop lenders: If you give a lender permission to check your credit score, the check will show up on your credit history. You do not want your credit score checked too often in a short amount of time. 90017 90002 Get as many details as possible from a potential lender before you give permission to check your credit score. 90017 90054 What are the lender’s requirements? 90055 90002 Once you have narrowed down the list of lenders, make sure you understand their requirements before applying.For example, most lenders require collateral to secure the loan. 90017 90002 Collateral is an asset that your business owns. Typical collateral acceptable to lenders includes inventory, equipment, accounts receivable, and other business assets that have a value which is easily calculated. 90017 90024 90002 The collateral needs to be similar in value to the loan principal to adequately secure the loan. 90017 90027 90002 In the legal documents your fill out to finalize the loan, you will offer your business collateral as the backup.If you do not pay the loan, the lender has the right to seize your collateral, and then sell the collateral to repay the loan. 90017 90002 In the event that a lender is not satisfied with your business collateral, it may require that you find a co-signer with better collateral. In this case, you want to find a co-signer before the loan documents are ready for signing. 90017 90002 Asking for a co-signer to risk his or her collateral to secure your loan is a big decision, and it is not fair to spring this on a co-signer at the last minute.A co-signer needs to make an informed decision about co-signing just as the lender makes an informed decision about loaning you money. 90017 90002 Understand collateral minimums, and any other loan requirements, early in the process. Give yourself time to determine what risks you are willing to take to secure your loan. 90017 90054 What documents and information do you need available? 90055 90002 The documents required to secure a loan vary from lender to lender and based on your business history.90017 90002 If your business carries enough cash to cover the entire loan, you likely will not need much more than a balance sheet and some recent financials. However, the fact that you are considering a loan probably means you do not have that much in the bank. 90017 90002 In this case, you will need a few years of business financials, a written business plan, your business credit history, personal financial information, contact information, references and possibly more. 90017 90024 90002 Lenders to specific industries want proof of your specialty.90017 90027 90002 For example, if you run a law firm, construction business, accounting firm, medical practice, or real estate agency; the lender may require you to show your professional licenses indicating your authorization to practice your business. 90017 90002 If you are a researcher, or your loan furthers product development in an advanced field, the lender may want to see your educational history and copies of your degrees. 90017 90002 If you are building new property, developing land, or laying new infrastructure, the lender may want to see surveys, blueprints, scopes of work, or other documents related to the project.90017 90002 The more business information you have available, the more prepared you will be. If specific licenses, qualifications, or permits tailored to your business exist, have associated documentation ready for review when you apply for a loan. 90017 90038 3. Qualifying for a business loan 90039 90040 90029 Basic loan requirements 90030 90029 How to improve your business credit score 90030 90029 Tips for getting approved 90030 90053 90054 Loan requirements 90055 90002 Some baseline requirements exist to secure a loan: 90017 90040 90029 Credit history 90030 90029 Business history 90030 90029 Business plan 90030 90029 Collateral 90030 90053 90002 Credit history is ideally your business credit history.However, if you are a startup, lenders may require your personal credit history. In this case, make sure that you understand what your personal responsibility is if the lenders ask to check your personal credit history. If you co-sign a business loan, you are personally responsible for the debt incurred by your business. 90017 90002 Your business history is a brief description of your business and its financial track record. Prepare at least five years of financials and bank statements if you have been in business this long.90017 90024 90002 Lenders look at your history to predict the future. 90017 90027 90002 They want to answers to questions like: 90017 90002 Is your business growing? Is your business profitable? If your business is not profitable, is it on a trajectory of profitability? The more information you can provide, the better your chances of getting approved. 90017 90002 Lenders want to know how you will use the funds. Unlike your pitch to investors and customers, lenders are not concerned with your groundbreaking ideas.90017 90002 Your pitch to lenders should specifically address how you will apply the funds and how your business will pay off the loan. 90017 90002 For example, they want to hear that you will hire software developers with the loan money, and the applications the developers build will start generating revenue within six months of hire. They do not care about the software itself, only that the software will allow your company to pay interest when due for the life of the loan. 90017 90002 Finally, lenders need a clear understanding of your business collateral.If you do not pay off your loan, the lender needs to know how it will recoup the money it loaned you. 90017 90002 Collateral in cash form or a form that is easily converted to cash is most attractive to lenders. Accounts receivable is cash due from customers, so it is ideal collateral for lenders. Equipment and inventory are easily valued and can be sold to third parties in the open market; so, they are typically good sources of collateral. 90017 90002 Because your equipment, inventory, and accounts receivable all change in value as you operate your business, most lenders will require multiple types of collateral to finalize a loan.90017 90002 If you have no collateral, the lender might require someone with adequate collateral to co-sign or guarantee the loan. Lenders do not dish out money without being secure. Make sure you understand collateral requirements. 90017 90054 How to improve your business credit score 90055 90002 Your business credit score serves similar purposes as your personal credit score. However, because your business conducts more transactions than you do personally, there is more data available to base the score off of.90017 90002 Examples include transactions, daily balances, outstanding debts, and payment history. 90017 90002 First, to start improving a bad credit score, start by obtaining your current scope through an agency like Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian. Free options include CreditSignal, Nav, Credit.net, and CreditSafe.com. 90017 90024 90002 With your credit score known, you can start improving it. 90017 90027 90002 Start by paying your bills on time. Your creditors can and will report bad payment history.Pay on time. 90017 90002 Second, improve your credit utilization ratio. Your credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit used compared to the credit available to you. Some suggest a 15% credit utilization ratio to improve your credit score while others suggest 30%. Consider this range as acceptable, but do what you can to lower the number. You can lower the number by: 90017 90040 90029 Paying off balances 90030 90029 Increasing credit limits 90030 90029 Decreasing debt and credit card spending 90030 90029 Paying bills on a more frequent than required basis 90030 90053 90002 Third, open credit accounts with suppliers when possible.The more suppliers you pay on a timely basis, the better your business credit score will become. 90017 90002 If your business ends up in collections, make sure you pay off the amount as soon as possible and ensure that the collection agency deletes the negative report from your credit report. 90017 90002 A good business credit score is key to getting loans that you need. Consider these steps to improve your score. 90017 90054 Tips for getting a small business loan approved 90055 90002 Preparation is the single best thing you can do to increase your chances of getting approved for a business loan.Start the entire process earlier than you think is necessary. Research loan types, loan terms, and loan requirements before you actually need the money. 90017 90002 The same goes for your credit history. Know your business credit score now, and start taking steps to improve it. When it comes time to apply for the loan, hopefully, you will have already improved upon your initial score. 90017 90002 Get your finances in order, and your business plan together. Talk to others who have gone through this process.Lenders are always changing what they expect and what they look for. The more information you have walking into the loan application process, the better your chances are. 90017 90002 Think about the business loan application process as you would a sales pitch to investors or customers. After all, it is a business transaction. The lender needs to believe you will pay the interest and the principal to make sure the deal makes sense from their perspective. Be prepared. And, as a final tip, be wary of merchant cash advances.90017 90038 4. Applying for a business loan 90039 90002 Once you have narrowed down the loan type for your business and determined you are qualified, it’s time to apply. To apply for a small business loan, you need: 90017 90040 90029 Reason for the loan 90030 90029 Credit history 90030 90029 Business plan 90030 90029 Annual revenue 90030 90029 Tax returns 90030 90029 Financial statements 90030 90053 90024 90002 If you have followed the steps in this article, it should be as simple as bringing everything together.90017 90027 90002 Not only should you have identified the reason for the loan, but you should also have ruled out other capital-raising options, and ensured that you are not asking for more money than you need. You should have a very specific number in mind for a plan for using the funds. 90017 90002 Not only should you know your current credit score, have your credit history in hand, and it should be improving as you progress towards applying for the loan. Your credit utilization ratio should be improving, and you should be paying your bills on time.Do not forget to clean up any negative reports on your credit report with the credit agencies. 90017 90002 You should be on the third or fourth draft or your business plan. This draft should include updates from experts and others who have been through the business loan process. Ideally, you know someone in the lending space who can give some tips as well. 90017 90002 Finally, your documents should largely be prepared. If you are a startup, you will not have that many business documents, so have your personal documents ready to go.90017 90002 Applying for a business loan can be intimidating. But, with some intentional preparation, you can increase your chances of approval and get the money you need to take your business to the next level. 90017 .90000 90001 Small Business Support — Cisco 90002 90003 90004 90005 Conferencing 90006 90007 90004 WebEx Meeting Center 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Gateways and ATAs 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Voice Gateways & ATAs 90017 PAP2T, SPA2102, SPA3102, SPA8000, SPA8800, WRP400 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 90005 Gateways and ATAs 90006 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Voice Accessories 90017 MB100, PAP3102, POES5, WBP54G, WBPN 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Gateways and ATAs 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Voice Gateways & ATAs 90017 PAP2T, SPA112, SPA122, SPA2102, SPA3102, SPA8000, SPA8800, WRP400 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Network Accessories 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Network Accessories 90017 MFEFX1, MFEBX1, MFELX1, MGBBX1, MGBLh2, MGBLX1, MGBSX1, MGBT1, RPS1000 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Network Management 90007 90004 FindIT Network Discovery Utility 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Network Storage 90007 90004 Cisco NSS300 Smart Storage 90017 NSS322, NSS324, NSS326 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Network Storage 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Continuous Data Protection 90017 LBACDP03, LBACDP15, LBACDP25 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Network Storage 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Network Storage Systems 90017 HDT, NSS2000, NSS2050, NSS2100, NSS3000, NSS3100, NSS3200, NSS3400, NSS4000, NSS4100, NSS6000, NSS6100 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Phones 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business IP Phones 90017 WIP310 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Phones 90007 90004 Cisco SPA300 Series IP Phones 90017 SPA301, SPA303 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Phones 90007 90004 Cisco SPA500 Series IP Phones 90017 SPA500S, SPA501G, SPA502G, SPA504G, SPA508G, SPA509G, SPA512G, SPA514G, SPA525G, SPA525G2 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Phones 90007 90004 Cisco Unified IP Phones 500 Series 90017 521G, 521SG, 524G, 524SG 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Phones 90007 90004 Cisco Unified IP Phones 7900 Series 90017 7911G, 7915/7916, 7921G, 7925G, 7931G, 7942G, 7945G, 7962G, 7965G, 7975G, 7985G, IP Communicator, IP Conference Station 7936, IP Conference Station 7937G, Unified Video Advantage 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Routers 90007 90004 Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers 90017 1941 року, 1941W 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Routers 90007 90004 Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Routers 90017 2901, 2911, 2921, 2951 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Routers 90007 90004 Cisco 500 Series Secure Routers 90017 520, 520W, SR520-T1 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Routers 90007 90004 Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers 90017 861, 881, 881G, 887V, 888, 888G, 891, 892 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Routers 90007 90004 Cisco SRP500 Series Services Ready Platforms 90017 SRP521W 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Routers 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business RV Series Routers 90017 RV016, RV042, RV082, RV110W, RV120W, RV180, RV180W, RV220W, RVS4000, WRV210, WRVS4400N 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Security 90007 90004 Cisco ASA5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances 90017 ASA5505, ASA5510, ASA5520 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Security 90007 90004 Cisco ProtectLink Security Solutions 90017 L-PL-GW-100MAX-1, L-PL-GW-25MAX-3, L-PL-GW-100MAX-3, L-PL-GW-25MAX-1, L-PL- WEB-1, L-PL-WEB-3, L-PLEP-25, L-PLEP-25R, L-PLEP-5, L-PLEP-5R 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Security 90007 90004 Cisco SA500 Series Security Appliances 90017 SA520, SA520W, SA540 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Security 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Continuous Data Protection 90017 LBACDP03, LBACDP15, LBACDP25 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Security 90007 90004 Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker 90017 BLKR-SVB-50U-1Y, BLKR-SVB-50U-3Y, BLKR-SVB-100U-1Y, BLKR-SVB-100U-3Y, BLKR-SVB-250U-1Y, BLKR-SVB -250U-3Y, CON-BLK1-50U, CON-BLK2-100U, CON-BLK3-250U 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business 100 Series Unmanaged Switches 90017 SF100-16, SF100-24, SF100D-05, SF100D-08, SF100D-08P, SF100D-16, SF100D-16P, SF102-24, SG100-16, SG100-24, SG100D -05, SG100D-08, SG100D-08P, SG102-24 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business 200 Series Smart Switches 90017 SF200-24, SF200-24P, SF200-48, SF200-48P, SG200-18, SG200-26, SG200-26P, SG200-50, SG200-50P 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switches 90017 SF300-08, SF302-08, SF302-08P, SF302-08MP, SF300-24, SF300-24P, SF300-48, SF300-48P, SG300-10, SG300-10P, SG300 -10MP, SG300-20, SG300-28, SG300-28P, SG300-52 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business 500 Series Managed Switches 90017 SF500-24, SF500-24P, SF500-48, SF500-48P, SG500-28, SG500-28P, SG500-52, SG500-52P, SG500X-24, SG500X-24P, SG500X -48, SG500X-48P 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Catalyst 2960S and 2960 Series Switches 90017 2960-24LC-S, 2960-24TC-L, 2960-24TT-L, 2960-48TT-L, 2960G-24TC-L, 2960G-48TC-L, 2960S-48FPS -L, 2960S-48TS-L, 2960-24-S, 2960-24LT-L, 2960-24PC-L, 2960-24PC-S, 2960-24TC-S, 2960-48PST-S, 2960-48PST -L, 2960-48TC-L, 2960-48TC-S, 2960-48TT-S, 2960-8TC-L, 2960-8TC-S, 2960-8TT-L, 2960G-8TC-L, 2960S-24PD-L , 2960S-24PS-L, 2960S-24TD-L, 2960S-24TS-L, 2960S-48FPD-L, 2960S-48LPD-L, 2960S-48LPS-L, 2960S-48TD-L, WS-C2960S-24TS-S , WS-C2960S-48TS-S 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Managed Switches 90017 SFE1000P, SFE2000, SFE2000P, SFE2010, SFE2010P, SGE2000, SGE2000P, SGE2010, SGE2010P, SRW2008, SRW2008MP, SRW2008P, SRW2016, SRW2024, SRW2024P, SRW2048, SRW208, SRW208G, SRW208MP, SRW208P, SRW224G4, SRW224G4P , SRW248G4, SRW248G4P 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Smart Switches 90017 SLM2005, SLM2008, SLM2024, SLM2048, SLM224G, SLM224G2, SLM224G4PS, SLM224G4S, SLM224P, SLM248G, SLM248G4PS, SLM248G4S, SLM248P 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Switches 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Unmanaged Switches 90017 SD2005, SD2008, SD205, SD208, SD208P, SD216, SR2016, SR2024, SR2024C, SR216, SR224, SR224G, SR224R 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Unified Communications 300 Series 90017 UC320 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Configuration Assistant (CCA) 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Office Manager 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Voice Systems (End of Life) 90017 SPA400, SPA9000 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Smart Business Communications System (SBCS) 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Unified Communications 500 Series 90017 UC560-BRI-K9, UC540W-BRI-K9, UC540W-FXO-K9, UC560-FXO-K9, UC560-T1E1-K9 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 3000 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 5000/6000 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Voice Systems 90007 90004 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controller 90017 2106 Series Wireless LAN Controller, Wireless Express 526 Mobility Controller 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Aironet 1130AG Series and 1240AG Series Wireless 90017 Aironet 1130, Aironet 1240 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Aironet 1140/1260 Series Access Points 90017 Aironet 1140, Aironet 1260 90007 90004 Phone Support, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco AP500 Series Wireless Access Points 90017 AP541N 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business 100 Series Wireless Access Points 90017 WAP121 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Wireless Access Points 90017 WAP321 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Wireless Adapters 90017 WMP200, WPC200, WPC4400N, WUSB200 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Wireless Antennas 90017 HGA7S, HGA9N 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90003 90004 Wireless 90007 90004 Cisco Small Business Wireless Access Points 90017 WAP200, WAP200E, WAP2000, WAP4400N, WAP4410N, WET200 90007 90004 Phone, Chat, Community Support 90007 90012 90458.90000 How to Take Inventory For Small Business: Get Started Guide 90001 90002 There are few things more critical to the success of your small business than a robust and well-rounded inventory management process. The trouble is, if you’ve never had to manage inventory before, it’s tough to know where to start. 90003 90004 With inventory management, there can be dozens of moving pieces. It’s made even more complicated by the fact that there’s no one right way to manage inventory. What works for the business down the street may not work for yours.90005 90004 If your head’s already spinning, do not worry. We’re here for you. In this article, we’ll help you understand inventory management, give you a set of universal guidelines that you can tweak, and generally show you how to take inventory for a small business. 90005 90008 First, What is Inventory Management? 90009 90004 Simply put, inventory management is a process and set of systems for managing inventory and stock. It’s a subset of the much broader supply chain management concept.For most retail or food service businesses, inventory management is going to encapsulate the following tasks: 90005 90012 90013 Ordering stock 90014 90013 Storing stock 90014 90013 Selling stock 90014 90013 Tracking stock levels 90014 90021 90004 90023 While these tasks may seem mundane, and even «simple» or «easy,» doing them and doing them well helps create a rock-solid foundation for your business to operate from. What does that mean exactly? You will avoid potential problems and enjoy optimizations like: 90005 90012 90013 Prevent out of stock issues for your popular products 90014 90013 Know the kinds of sales / promos to run to move underperforming stock 90014 90013 Know the right quantity of items to keep on hand to maintain optimal cash flow 90014 90013 If you sell perishable goods, it can help you avoid spoilage 90014 90021 90004 90023 Now that you understand what inventory management is and how it can help your business, let’s take a look at some of the general principles that should guide your inventory management strategy.90005 90008 Maintain a High Level of Organization 90009 90004 The first step in staying on top of your inventory is to organize your items with as much data and product information as is reasonably possible. Successful inventory management is a direct result of rock-solid data analysis. By starting with rich, accurate product data, you’ll avoid errors down the line and have an easier time investigating any issues you might uncover. Typically this data entered into a point of sale (POS) system, but if you run a small business with less than 100 products, and also use an electronic cash register, it may be possible (but very tedious) to track this data with spreadsheets .Seriously, using a POS for this will save you a ton of time. 90005 90004 That being said, here’s some of the data you’ll want to input for each product: 90005 90012 90013 Name 90014 90013 Department 90014 90013 Category 90014 90013 SKU 90014 90013 UPC 90014 90013 Supplier and Supplier ID 90014 90013 Sales Price 90014 90013 Tax Rate 90014 90013 Discountable (Y / N) 90014 90013 Cost per Item 90014 90013 Current Quantity 90014 90013 Reorder Trigger 90014 90013 Recommended Order 90014 90021 90004 90023 If you sell items with variants, you’ll want to make sure that you enter each variant as part of your data input process.If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the classic example of an item with variants is a t-shirt that’s sold in multiple sizes and colors. Each combination of size and color is a unique variant of one parent product. By creating variants, you will be able to track the quantity, sales data, and more for each variant on an individual basis. 90005 90008 Receive Inventory Accurately 90009 90004 Much like our first tip, you’ll want to ensure that you receive and input new stock from suppliers into your point of sale system as accurately as possible.Entering the wrong product quantity or mislabeling a product can cause a bunch of issues later that can all be avoided. The best way to ensure that you receive an input stock from suppliers accurately is to create a standardized process and follow it every time you receive a shipment. 90005 90004 Here’s an example of what that process might look like: 90005 90081 90013 Whoever is receiving the shipment should have a list of the items you’ve ordered or a copy of the original purchase order.90014 90013 The receiver should ensure that all expected boxes / packages are received (i.e., nothing is left in the truck). 90014 90013 The receiver should unpack all boxes and compare the contents against the list or purchase order. 90014 90013 If there are no errors or issues, go ahead and enter the shipment data into your POS, spreadsheet, or other tracking systems. 90014 90013 If there are issues, take note of them and contact your supplier. You can then enter the rest of the shipment into your system.90014 90092 90004 90023 Because receiving an order accurately is such an important part of inventory management, you may want to handle this part of the business yourself, or rely on a trusted senior employee. 90005 90008 Use the Right Tools 90009 90004 As we’ve hinted at throughout the article, inventory management is a lot simpler when you use a point of sale system. This is the case because of the quantity of data and the rate at which inventory turns over within most retail and food service businesses.If you try to manage it all with a spreadsheet, or worse, pencil and paper, it’s highly likely that the task will start to feel like a burden that you want to skip at the end of a busy day. Plus, with so many moving parts, you increase the likelihood of errors, which can throw off all of your inventory data. 90005 90004 With a POS system, outside of creating your product catalog (typically done once per product) and receiving new stock, inventory management is an automated process. When you sell a product, your stock levels are automatically updated.You can easily query your system to see how much you have of a product on-hand, and there are typically detailed inventory reports that you can use to better understand what’s going on in your business. 90005 90008 Make Data-Driven Decisions 90009 90004 One of the main reasons to use a POS, especially from an inventory management perspective, is the variety of reports you’ll have at your disposal. These reports will cover everything from sales volume by product, profit margin analysis, inventory turnover rate, and much more.With this information, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions that help you shape your overall business strategy. Here are a few of the insights that you can expect to derive from your point of sale system’s reporting capabilities: 90005 90012 90013 Identify your top selling items so you can prioritize keeping them well stocked 90014 90013 Monitor profit margins per product so that you can identify opportunities to renegotiate with your suppliers 90014 90013 Check your inventory value at any given time to understand how much capital you have tied up in inventory 90014 90021 90004 90023 If you’re an Excel wizard who has a deep understanding of business analytics and supply chain management, It’s certainly possible to create similar reports with spreadsheet software and custom formulas.However, you’ll have a much easier time of it if you get a POS system and let it do the number crunching for you. Plus, this frees you up to focus on tasks that have a higher strategic value like interpreting your reports and make decisions based on them. 90005 90008 Have a Formal Process in Place 90009 90004 While tools like a POS or dedicated inventory management software can help to simplify inventory management and allow you to get more value from your data, you still need an overarching process in place.The two most popular methods are First In, First Out (FIFO) and Last In, First Out (LIFO). 90005 90004 Businesses that use FIFO essentially make an effort to sell older stock before newer stock. For certain business types, like those that sell perishable goods, FIFO is a necessary means of deriving as much value from stock as possible. For example, imagine how a convenience store stocks drinks. Items in the front of their refrigerators typically expire sooner than objects placed in the back. 90005 90004 LIFO, on the other hand, prioritizes selling the newest items first.Companies typically use LIFO when the price of stock fluctuates frequently. If the cost of stock increases, a company’s margin will decrease. On the surface, this might seem like a bad thing, but it also results in lower revenue and less of a tax burden. It’s this lower tax burden that attracts some businesses to the LIFO method. 90005 90004 Regardless of the overarching system you use, it’s essential that you understand the pros and cons of each approach so that you can select the right one for your business.90005 90004 90128 90005 90008 Do Regular Inventory Counts 90009 90004 Even if you have a POS system or inventory management tool in place, as well as a rock solid process for receiving stock, you’ll still want to do manual inventory counts periodically. Depending on the size of your business, you might do these on a semi-annually, quarterly, or even monthly basis. 90005 90004 These counts are important because they function as a backup to your day-to-day system, and can help you uncover flaws in your process, or more significant issues like employee theft.If the idea of ​​setting aside the time to count all of your inventory at once sounds a little overwhelming, do not worry, you can also perform cycle counts. 90005 90004 Cycle counts are quicker checks where you count only a smaller portion of your inventory. For example, one month you might check your shoe inventory, and another your hat inventory. Besides saving you time, doing so can help you uncover issues much more quickly than a more massive quarterly check, though experts recommend that you do at least one full inventory count per year for income tax reporting.90005 90004 90139 SEE ALSO: 90140 Getting Started with Simple Inventory Control Procedures 90005 90008 Set Up Reorder Triggers 90009 90004 One of the more difficult aspects of inventory management is staying on top of your quantity on-hand, so you know when you need to reorder more stock. A great way to solve this challenge is through the use of reorder triggers. A common feature in most POS systems, reorder triggers allow you to specify the stock level that will trigger an alert for you to re [purchase a particular item.90005 90004 You can even pair these reorder triggers with a recommended reorder amount that makes the reordering process even easier. This ensures that you do not irritate a customer, or lose out on sales because you’re out of a popular product. Similarly, you will not tie up too much money in an excessively large order. 90005 90008 Track Raw Goods 90009 90004 Much of the inventory management advice out there focuses on traditional retail businesses with shelves stocked with goods or racks filled with clothing.What about inventory management for food service businesses? While covering all the ins and outs would require its own article, we’ll leave you with one piece of advice. Track your raw goods. What does this mean exactly? 90005 90004 Tracking raw goods allows you to manage all of the components of a larger item. For a coffee shop that could mean monitoring coffee beans, milk, and sweetener quantities. While the quantity of each that’s used in a recipe will vary based on the size of the drink, having all of this programmed into your POS system will help you ensure that your team is using the right portion control techniques.It will also help you get the appropriate amount of revenue from your inventory and not lose money. 90005 90008 Watch out for Inventory Shrinkage 90009 90004 One of the biggest threats to your bottom line is inventory shrinkage, so it’s something you’ll want to watch out for. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, inventory shrinkage is one of the primary contributors to inventory loss. The causes of loss can be shoplifting, employee theft, supplier error, damage, etc. and it’s a huge problem for retailers.In fact, according to the Nation Retail Federation (NRF), retail shrinkage caused a $ 46.8 billion loss of money for U.S. retailers in 2017. 90005 90004 While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to preventing inventory shrinkage, using the tools and tactics we’ve shared throughout this article is the best way to start. Should you identify an inventory shrinkage problem, you’ll want to consider these prevention techniques and internal controls: 90005 90012 90013 Hiring in-store security staff that can monitor customer behavior 90014 90013 Installing security cameras and other monitoring devices like security tags for clothing 90014 90013 Ensuring a trusted manager is always present when stock is received 90014 90013 Conducting frequent and rigorous inventory counts 90014 90021 90004 90023 There you have it, a set of tools and principles you can use to take inventory for your small business, regardless of your industry.As with anything in business, test out a few of the ideas in this article first, and monitor how they impact your business. Once you’ve found a few that work for you, consider building out a more robust inventory management strategy to drive real results for your business ‘bottom line. 90005 90004 HOW-TO GUIDES 90005 90008 Retail Math Made Simple: 31 Formulas for Better Decision-Making 90009 90004 Get a grip on your bottom line and make better business decisions with ShopKeep’s free Retail Math Made Simple Guide.90005 Get the guide 90179 Get our Free Retail Math Made Simple Guide 90180 90004 Learn how to get a grip on your bottom line and make better business decisions. 90005 90183 90184 90008 Ryan Gilmore 90009 90004 As Inbound Content Marketing Manager at ShopKeep, the # 1-rated iPad Point of Sale System, Ryan Gilmore uses his extensive experience in small business technology to create educational content that helps merchants run and grow their businesses more effectively.90005 90189 90002 Small business hub 90003 90008 a fountain of helpful tips and info for your business 90009 .

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